Tuesday, November 11, 2008

No I Won't!

This morning, I was waiting in line to order a cup of coffee when a grizzly looking man approached me. He was dressed as what appeared to be some sort of lumberjack (what? don't all lumberjacks wear red and black flannel?) and was staring at my Obama pin.

Lumberjack: That's a nice pin, but you know, you can take it off now.
Me: Oh, no. I think I'll keep it on.
Lumberjack: I mean, it makes me happy too... but you can still take it off.
Me: Nope. I'm leaving it on. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

lol what a weirdo, like he took that much interest in you taking your pin off.

Kyla Bea said...

lol! He's like the guy cleaning up after a parade shooing people away to their homes.

You've got years to wear that pin! = )

Rachel said...

I would have said "I'll take it off in 8 years..."

Lacey Bean said...

I wore my "Ba Rock It" shirt the day after the election. And I will continue to wear it. It's also a really comfy shirt. :)

Unknown said...

Lol, you're so brave going toe to toe with a big grizzly lumberjack. I also wore my barack t-shirt the day after the election and seeing as how it is the comfiest shirt in the history of the world (I think they do that on purpose) I plan on wearing it until it disintegrates.

sarah marie p said...

So crazy weird -- why would he tell you to take it off if he was an Obama supporter? Silly lumberjack!

And guess what - today I still have on my Obama bracelet! YES!

Anonymous said...

What a freak (him not you, you understand). I have loads of badges/buttons/pins on my handbag strap and I wouldn't take any of them off ever

Anonymous said...

Same here. I love my Ba Rock It shirt and will continue to wear it. Yes, he won but why not continue to show support? It's not like your shoving it in peoples' faces.

Boo to that guy!

Anonymous said...

that's so stupid. who cares if you want to keep wearing it. it's not like you were wearing a pin from the guy who lost--you got the winner's pin...it's probably cool if you still wear it.

Rae // theNotice said...

What a creeper X.x At least he didn't cut you open with his axe!!

That obscure and mildly inappropriate Little Red Riding Hood reference? Let's pretend it didn't just happen. -gulp-

Anonymous said...


Thats funny!

I'm trying to source Obama "gear" in the UK.... I want to be the British Obama rep :D

Lauren said...

Weird. I finally got my Obama pin in the mail. Apparently someone wanted it just as badly as I did and tried to RIP OPEN MY ENVELOPE. They must have been stupid, though, because they managed in opening it, but didn't manage to get the pin.

That is all mine.

Anonymous said...

Bizarre. Why is it any of his business, first of all, and also why did he feel the need to actually say something to you? You're going to say 'Oh, thanks, I had completely forgotten that was there!' Weird.

Anonymous said...

Weird. I think continued support is a great thing!