Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Teef

I was told two weeks ago that one of my front teeth may be dying. Being one of those people who dream about their teeth falling out on a nightly basis, it's an understatement to say I am a little concerned.

This morning, after suffering through one of the weirdest dreams in the history of weird dreams, I called my dental insurance to check on my coverage of seeing a specialist and what it would cost to get a root canal if deemed necessary. Guess what, dudes? I'm covered 100%. Let's do this.

I'm going to see the endodontist Thursday morning. They scheduled me for a long enough appointment to do the procedure if needed.

Now I'm a little scared, but the prospect of losing my front tooth scares me a whole heck of a lot more than a silly little root canal. Help me mentally prepare! Tell me your root canal stories.


Jamie said...

I've never had a root canal but I'll be thinking of you on Thursday!

A Super Girl said...

Oh yikes! I think I might have a cavity or some other minor tooth issue and I keep putting it off because I'm a scaredy cat :-)

Good luck. You're right that probably a little pain is way better than a dead front tooth!

michelle woo said...

I haven't had one but I heard they're totally not as scary as they sound. You'll be fine :)

Tam said...

If you do lose the tooth (which I'm crossing my fingers and toes that you don't) instead of getting a gold one, you should get a pink one with sparkles on it. Okay?

I always wanted veneers but when I found out they drill your real teeth down to nubbins and then put on the fake teeth I decided against it.

Nubbins = ouch = yikes!

If you do need a root canal. Get drugs. Lots of drugs.

amber said...

I have never had a root canal, but I hear that they are nothing to worry about.

I wish you luck!

Maxie said...

I had a root canal and then i died.

kidding kidding. You'll be fine.

XO, J said...

I've had one and for me it wasn't that big of a deal...definitely a lot better than losing a tooth. I'm really vain about my teeth - they are straight and really white and nice. You'll be okay - I promise

healthy ashley said...

I just had a root canal (the cap was put on yesterday) and it was no problem at all. I was so nervous before it but the procedure wasn't painful.. other than a pinch here and there and the annoyance of holding your mouth open. The cap is exactly like my normal teeth so I wouldn't even worry about the front tooth. You can do it! Good luck!!

Kyla Roma said...

Congrats on getting this looked after! My mom has had to have a number of them and she's always been totally un-phased by the process, the root canal is definitely not what it used to be (thank goodness!)

Lindsay said...

One of my coworkers had a completely dead tooth and she called the people at Extreme Makeover for help. They never called her back.

Seeing the dentist is much more logical. I've never had a root canal, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Plus you get awesome pain medication after something like that, right? Score!

Lauren said...

Oh wow - that's AWESOME that it's covered! GOod luck!! Just think - you won't have rotten tooth or missing tooth during the wedding.

And that's what's really important, right? :)

S said...

I had a root canal a few years back. Not painful, just annoying and doesn't smell too good either. Only used 2 of the dozen pain pills they gave me. I'm jealous that you are 100% covered!

B said...

that's really damn awesome your covered just in case

Anonymous said...

My husband just had a root canal two weeks ago. He can't tolerate pain (men, such babies) and I was surprised that he was doing relatively OK after the procedure. The dentist prescribed him an antibiotic as a precaution for infection but also apparently some people tend to get sore throats afterwards. It took a few days to get back to normal but otherwise he said it wasn't nearly as bad as he expected. Good luck!!

Hillary said...

why is your tooth dying? that makes me sad.

Unknown said...

My front teeth were cracked after a drunk guy at a party tripped and smashed a mug into my face. I had ghetto front chompers for 24 hrs before emerg root canals/crowns. They've been great ever since, but glow under black lights.

Good luck, it's not so bad.

Melissa Maris said...

The term root canal makes me feel a little woosey.

Pretty Unfamous said...

I've only had one cavity, so I don't have any horror stories for you. Just make sure that if they do anything to your teeth, you come out looking like they're your teeth!

Anonymous said...

Eeeek! Good luck!!

S said...

re: purple asparagus
You should give it a try! If you like asparagus I think you will enjoy it!

alyssa said...

Alright I haven't had a root canal, however I have had my fair share of fillings/crowns/wisdom teeth pulling, etc. Honestly, I always freak myself out and it's never as bad as I would have thought. Every. Single. Time. (ok I promise my teeth aren't nasty like I make them sound :D ) I hope it all goes well for you!! On the plus side, all of that stuff looks so natural now, nobody would know!

rachaelgking said...

I'm up for a root canal too... AND a crown. Sigh.

Good luck, darlin!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any stories for you but I do wish you good luck!

Renee said...

I've been threatened with a root canal. My mom said she's had two and they weren't any different from getting a filling. I wouldn't worry.

ÄsK AliCë said...

Eeep! Good luck!!

Unknown said...

I had a root canal and then went to an Ashlee Simpson concert. No joke. My root canal was way better than any fillings I've ever gotten.

Kerri W. said...

I don't have any good (or bad?) root canal stories, but I can definitely hear you on the teeth-falling-out dreams. They are horribly disturbing, are they not? In my dreams, sometimes mine crumble like sugar cubes, sometimes they just get loose and fall out, sometimes I have a retainer in and can't pull it out because I know my teeth will come with it.

Weird, right? Not only weird, but upsetting.

Aaaanyway, it's a good thing that your insurance is so awesome! In this day and age, you're a lucky girl.