Sunday, September 13, 2009

My streak of luck continues

You weren't too keen on my flies in the martini story, so I'm guessing this one won't be a crowd pleaser either. Yesterday, nursing myself back to health/sobriety after a 3 hour beer tasting, I reached for the Excedrin Extra Strength--desperate for the room to stop spinning. I took a nap for a few hours and woke up feeling amazing. Andrew, however, was still trudging through his post-beer tasting haze and asked for some ibuprofen. Instead, I gave him the Excedrin that was conveniently on my nightstand. Later that night I was tidying up the bedroom, putting the Excedrin back into the medicine cabinet. That's when I noticed something black at the bottom of the bottle. A FREAKING SPIDER. It was a spider with only two remaining legs (the others were floating around the 20 or so capusules left in the 100 capsule botttle). That's right. We consumed about 80 Excedrin capsules that were infused with spider legs. Yum. Exedrin is hearing from me tomorrow. You bet your bippy. UPDATE: Just got off the phone with Novartis, the maker of Excedrin, and they are sending me a voucher for a free bottle of Excedrin and a mailing packet for me to send off my spider for investigation. How exciting.


alyssa said...

OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO DISGUSTING!!!!!!! Ugh, I would have freaked me out!

But, Excedrin is my hero.

LovelyAnomaly said...

AUGH. That's awful!

Erin W said...

Ummm ack!!

Anonymous said...

I am desperately trying to look on the bright side of this situation, and all I can come up with is that the spider probably didn't have a headache when he died. That being said, OMG WTF GROSS.

(And I love how - when presented with situations like this - the company of the infested product always offers you MORE. Here, have some more spider capsules ON US.)

I think I need beer now.

Brad at Pharma said...

Oh, man... spider legs?! Gross.

It's good to hear that our customer service is sending a mailer for you... I didn't know that we did that, it's good to know we're not passing on all the burden to the people buying the product.

FULL TRANSPARENCY : I just work here, I'm not an official spokesman in any way, shape or form. #iwork@novartis

Sara said...

Excedrin Extra Strength is Love.

Spiders though? Yuck. Now I can't get that picture out of my head.

jessica maria said...

I'm not going to lie, if it had been me, I most surely would have barfed everywhere.

Mermanda said...

Jessica, I am sad to say that I think I'm just getting used to this crap. I'm hoping that by having two such gross incidents so close to eachother that I'm going to be gross free for the next couple of decades.

Jenn said...

Ew, ew, ew. Ew.


Okay I'm done.

Hillary said...

I love that you counted the remaining legs. I hope you emphasized that point when talking to Novartis. "SIX LEGS, Novartis! We ate SIX LEGS."

Toe said...

That was the miricle cure to hangovers? Spider Legs

The more you know... said...


Melissa Maris said...

Ha I'm with BrazenBareToe - I think this is some crazy witch-brew-hangover-cure. Double, double toil and trouble, Excedrin burn, and spider legs bubble...

You should start selling the stuff.

Katelin said...

oh man that is so gross, eek.

Anonymous said...

Gross, gross, gross, GROSS! They should give you money for having to go through that. LOTS of money!

Kerri W. said...

I could die. Seriously, the very idea of eating (or, well, accidentally swallowing) random spider bits is not at all appealing.

I don't know if I would have called them - but props to you! At least you get a free bottle? I mean, not that it makes the situation okay or anything. But, still.

I love that you get to mail the little guy away, though. That is kind of hilarious. Like they're going to find out how it got in the bottle or something? Weeeeird.