Monday, February 8, 2010

Please pray for Luke

Last night we left the house for ten minutes to pick up wings for the Super Bowl. We came home to find Luke had gotten into some bread that was wrapped up and sitting on the kitchen counter. The problem is, the bread had raisins in it. As soon as I made this realization, I lost it. Panic mode set in and I could barely use the computer to search for an emergency vet. We loaded Luke in the car, as I cried not knowing what would happen to my pup.

For those of you who don't know, raisins and grapes are very deadly to dogs. They cause kidney failure. It isn't known how many are a cause for concern, and each dog reacts differently. We guess that he ate about 20 raisins.

The emergency vet made us wait an hour and a half before seeing him. If that is how you triage a dog who ate what is essentially poison, I'm shocked. I was ready to seriously lose it on the receptionist for making us wait so long (the other dogs being seen were not critical, some had arthritis, some needed stitches but were stable.)

They decided to induce vomiting. Except he wouldn't bring anything up. We decided to admit him to the hospital so they could give him activated charcoal to try to move everything through his system as quickly as possible, as well as keep him on fluids and monitor his vitals.

I called for an update this morning and his vitals are still good and he passed the charcoal. Today is the scariest day because it takes about 24 hours for the raisins to affect his kidneys. I've never been more scared in my life. I can't lose my buddy. :(

They quoted us $1,500 to keep him for three days. That is money we don't have, folks. We're trying to come up with what we can--today I'm going to try to sell my wedding dress. It's for a good cause. I'm not sad about it.

Please pray for him.

I thought about this for a few hours today... putting up a donate button on my blog. I hate asking for money--I know everyone is struggling in one way or another right now. So, please do not feel in any way obligated to give. But if you do want to help, the button is below. $1,500 is on the conservative end of what it could cost to save our boy. If his kidney levels do go up today, a much more aggressive treatment is in order. And that? We might have to refuse if we can't pay for it. It will break my heart but we just don't have many options.

[Removed paypal link for security reasons, but a gigantic thank you to those of you who donated.]

Thank you,
Amanda & Andrew



Anonymous said...

fenway and i just gave a donation! we're praying for you and luke! ask the vet if they can do a payment plan... most will!

Unknown said...

This is heartbreaking, but hopeful since he made it through the first treatment. I'll keep you, Andrew, and of course Luke in my thoughts and prayers.

Tam said...

so sorry to hear about Mr. Luke, after he pulls through this... no more raisins or grapes in your household (or chocolate, or stuffed animals, or furniture) you know the drill...

Thinking of you!!!

Her said...

I'm definitely keeping the three of you in my thoughts, and I'll try to get the word out by tweeting this.

Kyla Roma said...

Oh sweetie, this is so hard. We have a scavenger pup too and we've had to literally move our garbage can outside to keep them from getting into all kinds of terrible things. You guys are in my thoughts & prayers.

Tia said...

Oh no, poor Luke! If it gives you hope, we had a cocker spaniel who ate an entire loaf of bread (twice) and an entire 3lb box of chocolate covered cherries (wrappers and all). Obviously much smaller than Luke, and she was totally fine!

FYI - ask about Care Credit. It's a credit card for vet bills. Most vets don't do payment plans, but 99% will accept care credit. Good luck!

amie powell said...

this is such sad news! we will definitely say a prayer!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry babe; I can only imagine how freaked out you must feel right now. I hope the treatments worked and he can go home soon. <3

yours truly, melissa said...

Sorry to hear about Luke! I hope that the news is that he's just fine...

Keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Luke is in my prayers! Get well soon doggie!

Ben said...

Can't our dogs just all pull it together for once? I mean really...people like you and I are not meant for this sort of stress.

S said...

::wipes tears::
I know all to well what you are going though. A few weeks ago when we lost our cat the vet asked us if we wanted to do CPR which would start at $500. I had to say no.
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers for Luke.

Mermanda said...

Erin, sending big hugs of thanks to you and Fenway.

Shannon, your thoughts and prayers are priceless. XO

Tam, you said it. We are thinking about putting up gates to keep him out of the kitchen permanently.

Her, thank you so much.

Kyla, why can't those cute doggy noses stay out of trouble?

Tia, I'm glad your pup survived all those chocolates! That's one tough cocker spaniel.

Aime, thank you! XO

Steph, you are so sweet. Thank you. XO

Melissa, I will post an update when I get the next report of his creatinine (kidney function). I am hoping to know more by 8 p.m.

Marcy, we appreciate your prayers. Thank you!

Ben, I know. You have been through this doggy-related stress, so I'm sure you understand what I'm feeling right now.

MsDarkstar said...

I had no idea that raisins/grapes were not good for pups.

Hope Luke will be ok. I tweeted a link to your post.

I'll light a candle for y'all.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

I'm sorry to hear that Luke is sick. :-( Our dog ate an entire bowl of Hersey's kisses and showed no problem symptoms from the chocolate...hopefully Luke does just as well!

It's weird what foods are harmful to dogs: grapes, onions, chocolate, gum, etc.

Hillary said...

Poor Luke (and poor you and Andrew!) Stella ate a grape once and I lost my shit. She was completely fine though.

Stella and Wolfgang are donating their cookie fund to Luke. Hopefully your boy will be home tonight, as good as new.

Becky said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Luke! I'll be keeping him in my prayers. Sending you my February coffee funds!

alyssa said...

If it makes you feel any better, Tundra has eaten gobs and gobs of chocolate and not gotten sick (well besides the nasty that comes out..TMI!?). Hope they take care of him!!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled on this through brandyismagic's retweet. While, I'm just not in a position to be able to donate money, I am going to repost this in attempts to get the word out. Also, Luke and you and your family are in my hearts.

Sarah said...

i hope everything turns out ok and he gets out of the puppy hospital soon!

Katelin said...

aw i'm so sorry, i hope he is okay!

Mumsie said...

Dear Lukey- You are my grandpuppy and I love you so much and it breaks my heart that you ate something bad for doggies. You are so gentle & adorable and I'm praying for you. Granny loves you tons and tons!!!Please get better! Lots of love, Granny

sarah marie p said...

Oh, poor Luke! I've been thinking about your baby and crossing my fingers for him. I hope the vet has some great news for you today! I'm so sorry you and Andrew have to go through this. :( What a scary situation.

jessica maria said...

SO sorry to hear about Luke - I hope he recovers quickly!! XOXO

Tia said...

How is he doing?

A Super Girl said...

My childhood dog once at an entire vine of grapes AND a bag of Ghirardelli chocolate chips (not in the same sitting!)

The chocolate induced a volcanic amount of shit; the grapes didn't do much. In both instances, she luckily pulled through!

Thinking good thoughts and hoping things are on the upswing today -- I know I'm a bit late in the commenting!

Sarah said...

oh my gosh, I wish I could take this all away for you. Having a sick pet is one of the worst feelings in the world. My heart is with you guys.